Sistem pakar teori dan aplikasi pdf download
Sistem pakar teori dan aplikasi pdf download

sistem pakar teori dan aplikasi pdf download

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License. Development Of Expert System : Computer–Based Home

sistem pakar teori dan aplikasi pdf download

utabri, “Konsep Sistem Informasi”, Yogyakarta: Andi Offset, 2012. Tata S Joan Angelina Widians, “Aplikasi Sistem Pakar Identifikasi Penyakit Pada Tanaman Pisang”, Samarinda : Universitas Mulawarman, vol 6 no 1, Febuari 2011. Balai Penelitian Pengembangan Tanaman Pangan. Masalah Lapang : Hama, Hara, Penyakit Pada Padi. Sistem Pakar Berbasis Logika Kabur Untuk Penerima Beasiswa. Supriyono, Heru, Sujalwo, Sulistyawati, Tri, dan Trikuncahyo, Afada Rio. Fakultas Ilmu KomputerUniversitas Dian Nuswantoro Semarang. Sistem Pakar Diagnosa Penyakit Tanaman Jambu Citra Menggunakan Metode Forward Chaining. 10”, Jakarta Selatan: Salemba Empat, 2009. Pengembangan Sistem Pakar Diagnosa Hama Dan Penyakit Tanaman Padi Menggunakan Metoda Certanty Factor Berbantuan Metode Kuantifikasi Pertanyaan. Kusrini, “Sistem Pakar Teori Dan Aplikasi”, Yogyakarta: Andi Offset, 2010. Artificial Intelligence (Teknik dan Aplikasinya). From Zero to A Pro – Pemrograman Aplikasi Android. International Journal of Scientific and Engineering Research, Vol 7. The application is made on a mobile platform using the android studio application, the expected results are that this application can help the community in determining rice diseases that attack plants.Īndri, Kristanto, 2004, Jaringan Syaraf Tiruan (Konsep Dasar, Algoritma, dan Aplikasinya), Gava Media, Yogyakarta Doctor. The expert system is an artificial intelligence using the forward chain method to determine the type of disease in rice, this method collects partial data from an expert in their field and sampling until finally the data is converted to a system created.

sistem pakar teori dan aplikasi pdf download sistem pakar teori dan aplikasi pdf download

For proper information on rice diseases, you should ask the experts of rice plants to be able to find out diseases and appropriate handling can also be through internet network access ) but the time needed to determine an ordinary disease is too long, so the need for fast knowledge and proper access can help them, in the information of the disease, because the use of gadgets has been growing rapidly and almost everyone in the villages have it required a mobile access that informs the disease rice appropriately. Many communities, especially farmers who are confused about the types of pests or diseases that attack their rice plants so that the way to handle them is wrong. One of the factors in the decline in rice production is rice pests and diseases, such as rat pests, planthopper pests, blast diseases and so forth. Rice is the primary need of humans in Indonesia, therefore farmers must plant quality rice free from pests and diseases.

Sistem pakar teori dan aplikasi pdf download